As you think,
you become

The secret of the universe was never a secret. We always have the power to
be, to rise, to become, to transform, or to transcend ourselves. We have free will.

Practical Fundamentals

There's definitely more than four (4) categories that will be covered than made visible below,
The four categories however is what I strongly believe as core and practical fundamentals
every software engineer must have. The last category below are articles written by interns.

  • Mindset

    Everything starts with the mind. What we think and ruminate about in a daily basis will transform into an action.

  • Development Guide

    Very few things in this world is absolute. Guide serve as a compass with which we all aim to move towards.

  • Wares

    Man was always assisted by tools even at the dawn of time. Today, we rely of hardwares and softwares to get things done.

  • Engineers Training

    Everyone starts somewhere. Catch a glimpse at how some journey from one point to another in their life as a software engineer.

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