A Crate Full of Leasons on My Fifth Week of Internship

 ·  3 min read

My fifth week of internship in the company was full of excitement and learned many leasons.

Utilizing The Command git reset –hard HEAD~1 and  Seminar

Today, our mentor taught us how to revert back to the commit we did last week using the command “git reset –hard HEAD.” After that, Sir John conducted a seminar on soft skills for us interns. The seminar was fun and consisted of many activities. We also watched a video called “Who Moved My Cheese” and I learned a lot of lessons from it. One lesson was that life is subject to change, and we must accept it and move on. Along the way, there may be setbacks, but we must stand up again and keep moving forward. Since life is subject to change, we must prepare for it. If we don’t act quickly to adapt, we may miss out on many opportunities. Lastly, we must learn to enjoy the changes that come our way.

Inserting Modal in our Basic Task List

Our mentor assigned us to insert a modal into our basic task list. This was the first time I had heard of it, so I decided to look it up. I learned that a modal is a button that combines CSS and JS, and when clicked, it pops up a form. I tried implementing it, but I overthought its complexity, and as a result, I was unable to complete the task. Additionally, I was overly dependent on ChatGPT, which was another reason why I failed. Our mentor was upset about this and reminded us not to rely too heavily on ChatGPT. Then, our mentor demonstrated how to create a modal, and to my surprise, it was straightforward. He was able to complete it in less than 10 minutes, and I felt embarrassed that I had overcomplicated things in my mind.

This day I managed to insert a modal to my Basic Task List, and modify it. I had an idea to make my Basic Task List to be prettier so added another color for the background,  tables, and the navbar, but this time I utilized the bootstrap and jquery. It was really fun since our mentor let us modify all we want.  

Fixing the Authentication and Securing Our Commits

Our mentor tasked us to fix our authentication. And I managed to fix my authentication in less than an hour, so sit tasked me to read about Laravel relationship. I learned about one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many. Also, we implemented a tutorial about securing our commits.


Vince Q. Caballero
Vince Q. Caballero
A technology enthusiast who enjoys good food, video games, and movies/anime.