Reflecting on the Eighteenth Week of My Internship

 ·  2 min read
Reflecting on the Eighteenth Week of My Internship

Over three days, I automated rsync deployment for my Jekyll project to the Ronins Server via GitHub, addressing plugin compatibility issues and enjoying a mentor-led lunch. I then simplified the project with a new theme, resolving the plugin problem. On the third day, I explored and integrated plugins, gaining insights into web development’s dynamic nature and optimizing the project for improved user experience.

Eighteenth Week Reflection:

Day 1: Rsync via GitHub Workflow

Today, my task is to automate the rsync deployment of my Jekyll project to the Ronins Server. I have created a new workflow. One thing I have noticed is that one of my plugins is not supported when executed via GitHub. So, I am currently in the process of finding an alternative to make this work.

In the afternoon, our mentor treated us to lunch. We went to a sangyup restaurant, and it was really fun. I had a great time.

Day 2: Simplifying My Jekyll Project with a Fresh Theme

Regarding the unsupported plugin in my Jekyll application, I cannot find any solutions. Some forums mentioned that it is indeed incompatible with GitHub. Therefore, I have no choice but to start over and find a simpler Jekyll theme. So, I transferred all my Markdown reflections to the new Jekyll theme, created a new repository for it, and edited some parts of the user interface. After modifying it, I was able to successfully run the workflow without any problems.

Day 3: Exploring plugins

Today, with a relatively light task load, I’m dedicating my time to exploring and integrating useful plugins into my Jekyll application. It’s pretty exciting as I dive into the world of plugins, seeing how they can make my project work better for users. This exploration serves as a reminder of the dynamic nature of web development, offering the freedom to fine-tune and optimize my project.


Jade Wapano
Jade Wapano
Jade A. Wapano, a 22 years old IT student at University of San Carlos