Reflection on my Fifth Week of Internship

 ·  7 min read

After a month at the company, I have learned a lot of things about software development and how to become a professional. A month has gone and a new one has just begun. A new start always comes along with new learning that I can gain throughout the day. Let’s prepare as I face and continue my internship journey at the company.


Day I: Soft Skills: Adaptability to Change & Time Management


  • Understanding the Importance of Soft Skills, Time Management, and the Ability to Adapt to Changes as a Working Individual

Soft skills are a variety of non-technical social and interpersonal competencies necessary for success in both personal and professional environments. Also, it is crucial for creating trusting connections and succeeding in any profession or business. Time management and Adaptability to Change are just some of those soft skills needed to achieve what you want for yourself. Some soft skills mentioned are defined below:

  • Time management is the process of organizing and prioritizing one’s time effectively to maximize productivity and achieve goals. It includes establishing priorities, making a timetable or to-do list, figuring out what has to get done when, putting things in order of importance, avoiding distractions, and managing time effectively.

  • Adaptability to change is described as the capacity to cope and succeed in a novel or shifting circumstances. It entails being adaptable, receptive, and resilient in the face of change, ambiguity, and difficulties. A desire to learn, accept new tasks, and adopt novel ideas or methods is necessary for adaptability. Those that are flexible are better able to deal with unforeseen circumstances, make it through transitions, and take advantage of new chances. Gaining flexibility can result in increased personal development, professional achievement, and all-around life enjoyment.

As individuals, to become successful, hard and soft skills must come along together. It must be balanced and well-utilized. A technically-skilled worker with less soft skills ability is most likely missed a big opportunity of getting more than those who can manage it well. In the field of development, it is also very important to manage those abilities to create, manage, and deliver a well-made outcome that a client expected it to be. In addition, time management is important as it let you properly manage your time will make you more productive and produce those things on time. Also, the ability to adapt to change is very important too. Change is constant, and if you let it go without following it, you will be left behind and missed some opportunities produced by the changes around you. That is why we also need to hone our soft skills not just our technical skills to become successful in things that we want. Those are the learnings I gained after a day at the company.

Day II: jQuery


  • Understanding the Concept of jQuery
  • Implementation of jQuery to our Basic Task list by Utilizing Modal Dialog

jQuery is a well-known and extensively used JavaScript library that makes it easier to write HTML on the client side. It offers a selection of strong and user-friendly functionalities that make it simpler to work with HTML pages, manage events, construct animations, and communicate with server-side data. You can link jQuery using the provided link below:

In the actual ticket for that day, utilizing jQuery in creating a modal dialog is kind of difficult at first. I depend on chatGPT in finishing the ticket which makes it even more complicated. I forgot to utilize another way like checking a youtube tutorial or searching it on the web. Out of it, I have learned that there are many ways how to fix a thing without focusing on a single solution that I think can probably fix the problem. On the other side, I also learned that some properties in Laravel can be utilized once. Just like the head that can be seen once in the entire project. Other blade files in the project can be linked to the main page or the parent template. After all, those are the learnings I gained after a day at the company.

Day III: Authentication and Authorization


  • Fixing our Basic Tasklist’s Authentication and Authorization Code

Last week, we manage to utilize middleware together with authentication and authorization. Middleware together with authentication and authorization is the aspect of creating a web application that checks if the user is verified and permitted to do a certain action and get their expected outcome. Logging in and out are just some examples of its application. This day, our ticket is to fix our authentication and authorization code for our basic task list. At first, it is kind of frustrating because there are lots of errors that I can not instantly fix with the solutions that I made. Eventually, I slowly manage to fix and learn how it works. In addition, I also learned the concept of trying the solutions that I have before deciding to give up and leave the problem behind. Those are things that I have learned after a day at the company.

Day IV: Protecting Github Commit


  • Understanding and Applying the Tutorial on How to Protect your Github Commits

Pushing and creating a new pull request to a certain repository can not assure that the author of the said commits. Probably, someone can make a certain commit using your name and mess up a repository to ruin your image on the entire team. To secure your commitment, you can follow the steps on the link provided below:


After following the provided steps on the link, you can verify it by checking your previous commit on the certain repository where you apply the said steps provided on the link above. Click your created pull request, and check the “verified” word in it. If it is there, congratulations your commitment and future commits are now secured.

After following the steps on the provided link above that talks about how to protect your commit, I have learned that we need to assure that we have already set up our account before creating a commit to be secured and protected from any possible harm around. Also, I learned how to set it up properly. In a way that my newly-made commit is secured and verified. Those are the learnings I gained after a day at the company.


After a week at the company, I learned and gained new knowledge about Laravel and how to become a professional. Also, I learned that trying other solutions than focusing on a single one for an hour is not a good thing. It will waste your time and lessen the chances of trying others. In addition, I learned how to link and simply use jQuery in enhancing websites. I also learned how to properly secure and protect my GitHub commits. Throughout the week, those are the learnings I gained after a week at the company.


Jeffrey Francisco
Jeffrey Francisco
Jeffrey E. Francisco, a 22-year-old student at Cebu Technological University Danao Campus, has a passion for innovation and technology, particularly web development, which he finds both challenging and fascinating.