Lessons Learned During Week 5 of My Internship

 ·  3 min read

This week, we focus on improving our Basic Task List.

The Git Reset and the Orientation

We arrived at the company and prepared our laptops. We were then taught about git revert and git reset. Git revert goes back to a commit but makes another commit, while reset goes back to the commit you wanted to go but also removes the commits along the way up to the point where you want to go back. After then, we were visited by the Vice Department Manager of Department 1 and he oriented us about Soft Skills and Hard Skills by first watching the short film “Who Moved my Cheese?”. We had an icebreaker followed by activities. It was a fun experience.

The Modal

On this day, we were tasked to create a modal for our generated task lists. It’s like a pop-up screen or form. We spent the whole day making it but at the end of the day, we made it wrong. We relied too much on AI Software and didn’t have a chance to directly search for it. It’s best practice to search first rather than relying on it. I have now learned from my mistakes and won’t over-rely on the software.

Firstly on this day, we were tasked to integrate the modal into our generated task lists. I was confused about where to put the code and the whole interconnection of routes on it but eventually got it somehow. I am still a little bit confused about how to use jQuery but with enough practice, I can be able to learn how to use it well. 

Fixing the Authentication/Authorization and Protection of Commits

Today, our mentor told us to fix our Authentication and Authorization for our task lists. Mine had an issue where you could not log out of the page. The solution was to add appropriate scripts and also added a few lines of code on the login.blade.php and the register.blade.php so that they have some design and a clean look as well. In the afternoon, our mentor taught us to pay attention more to details so that there won’t be any problems that will generate when pushing on the remote repository, and also he provided me with some knowledge about color schemes and theories. Additionally, our mentor gave us a link to read an article on how to protect and make our commits verified. Also, we need to practice more in HTML, CSS, and JS, because these are super helpful in building web applications.


Gerand Parawan
Gerand Parawan
Gerand C. Parawan is a computer engineering student at CTU - Danao Campus who enjoys making jokes and talking with people. He has been interested in technology and computers since he was young.