Tales of the 15th Week Intern

 ·  4 min read

This whole week was dedicated to finishing my Jekyll project

Monday (2023-11-20)

Upon further reading and understanding the uses of Jekyll, I had doubts about myself in making this project for my friend. The more I progressed in making this project, the more I questioned how will he make the most of it. It converts plain text into static sites that can easily be used for blogs and informational websites. The result of this project is that his chances of getting hired are increased when people see his website, which gives him more credibility. The issue is whether this is the best tool I should be using to fulfill that. He honestly has no use in making blogs, and he does not even know what markdown is. In the back of my mind, I wonder how can I make it less complicated for him to maintain the website by himself.

After pressing on with my task, I noticed that one of my preview articles did not have a thumbnail yet, so my last task was to generate an AI image related to the topic.

Wednesday (2023-11-22)

I would say that my desire for excellence is both my strength and weakness. It is my strength through my desire to deliver the best I can offer. It is also my weakness that, in my pursuit of that goal, I stress when things do not go as expected or when I take more time than necessary. I feel like I would have been done with the project by now if I had not fussed over the little things like the gap and margins between each element. I still wonder if this is the best option for my friend. I asked him for an example of what his website wanted to like look and after soon a few sites from his list. I realized “I should use something else” The idea I got from him was that I should make a single-page application type of website, and Jekyll was not the right tool in this case.

So I decided to give up on the project. Was it all for nothing then? I do not believe so, this has been an insightful experience for me which helps my critical thinking in situations like these. Making my own these in Jekyll has also helped me improve myself as an aspiring website developer hoping to freelance by next year so that I can work independently and on my schedule.

Friday (2023-11-24)

Today was a very decisive day for me, I still hadn’t caught up to my peers regarding the Jekyll project. They started implementing their workflows, while I was still figuring out what font size I should have for my title. So took the path that my other fellow interns had taken, which was just to grab a Jekyll template and use their articles from the engineer’s log to populate the posts.

After minutes of finding up suitable template and after an hour of setting up the project. I was done, simple as that. I thought to myself where would I be now if I had just done this from the start but I think what I went through was necessary because the experience helped me learn and grow from my mistakes.

As usual, on my last workday of the week, I end my day by making my Friday reflection


Raymond Aya-ay
Raymond Aya-ay
A 24 year old, aspiring developer that loves cats, games, & anime