My First Ticket On My Sixth Week of Internship

 ·  3 min read

This week was a lot of fun since I received my very first ticket.

Applying one-to-many Laravel Relationship In Our Basic Task List - Day

Our mentor tasked us with applying the one-to-many Laravel relationship that we read about last week in our Basic Task List. He also told us that he expected us to be done by 2 PM since junior software engineers can complete it before lunch. Right after our mentor finished instructing us, I quickly attempted the task. I had read about Laravel Relationships but had no idea how to apply them. Despite being on the right track, I was not able to complete the task because I had missed a step. Specifically, I had not created a proper CRUD for the new table that I had created. After realizing my mistake, our mentor encouraged us to keep working on the task and to live to fight another day.

One-to-many Laravel Relationship Re-do

Today, our mentor taught us step by step how to implement the one-to-many Laravel Relationship. It was really an eye-opener, as it confirmed that I was on the right track all along. I followed our mentor’s instructions carefully and started from scratch to analyze the process properly.

My First Ticket

Our mentor gave each of us a different ticket, and I was both shocked and excited since it was my first actual ticket. My task was to integrate a working authentication system into the Basic Task List that we had re-done the day before. I was pumped and quickly began working on the task on a dummy website that I had created for practice. I had to wait for my teammate to complete their ticket so that I could clone it and apply the changes to their repository. However, I was able to finish the task early, and it was a fun day overall.

Applying Bootstrap On Our Basic Task List

Our mentor tasked us today with adding Bootstrap to our Basic Task List. I began modifying the background of the website, home, and Navbar. It was really fun to apply CSS to our web, and choosing the right color combinations felt like being a kid with a blank white paper and crayons. At the end of the day, we had created a decent-looking web application, and I was happy with my own improvements. However, I admit that there is still a lot for me to learn, but I am eager to continue learning and improving.


Vince Q. Caballero
Vince Q. Caballero
A technology enthusiast who enjoys good food, video games, and movies/anime.