What I Learned on My Third Week of Internship

 ·  3 min read

It has been three weeks since I started my internship, and I am starting to become more accustomed to the crash course experience. We have not only learned programming tools and techniques but also ethics and the proper mindset.

Implementing Basic Task List By Laravel - Day 9

Our mentor was unable to come to the office because he didn’t feel good. So he gave us a task thru slack, the task was to practice the tutorial provided by the Laravel website. The name of the tutorial was “Basic Task List”, we installed Php and composer to make the Laravel work. The tutorial was simple but I got stuck in certain instances because I was not that familiar with Laravel. We sought the help of Sir Chris and he recommended us to Ms. Grace. She helped us a lot we managed to unstuck ourselves, but I felt bad because we consumed a huge part of her time.

“Patterns, Patterns, Patterns!” Converting “routes” into a Controller - Day 10

Today, our mentor pointed out the errors I made in the activity we did yesterday. Due to my lack of pattern recognition skills, I got stuck on the task. Our mentor emphasized the importance of recognizing and analyzing patterns. I certainly need to improve my pattern recognition skills. So, if I were to give this day a title, it would be ‘Patterns, Patterns, Patterns!’

After that, our mentor tasked us with converting our routes into a controller. Initially, the route codes were long and cluttered, but once we converted them into a controller, they became much neater. This was certainly a valuable addition to my knowledge of Laravel.

Redo of Basic Task List Tutorial - Day 11

Our mentor make us delete our recent exercise and made another one and modify some parts of it. It was fun, and I manage to do my part. After that our mentor took us to a coffee shop to have a snack together with our senior Interns. Sir then asked us about the things that we learned so far, and the only thing in my mind was about the patterns. So I answered “Patterns, Patterns, Patterns”, the other interns laughed while sir smiled and agreed. We talked and laughed with our senior Interns, they are nice and approachable. Making this day truly memorable.

Basic Task List Modifications - Day 12

The task for this day is to fully modify the Basic Task List that we created in the previous days, I inserted some javascript and a little CSS in my project. But admittedly my work does not look that good. I enjoyed manipulating the task list and inserting some CSS and a little JS. It felt somewhat like therapy and seeing my project work feels good.

This week is full of Laravel practice and familiarization, at first, it was somewhat confusing but after a few practices, I manage to use it smoothly. I appreciate our mentor for teaching us these lessons.


Vince Q. Caballero
Vince Q. Caballero
A technology enthusiast who enjoys good food, video games, and movies/anime.