Reflection on ny Fourth Week of Internship

 ·  6 min read

Another week has passed, and a new one has begun. As the new week started, more learnings about software development will be gained. Additional libraries, more git commands, and more professional ethics will be expected to be taught for another week at the company. As you go along the process, it might be difficult, but if you have an interest in learning it, then you will eventually learn it.


Day I : Bootstrap CSS


  • Understanding and Implementing Bootstrap CSS to our task list

In my fourth week at the company, we started the day by understanding the concept of Bootstrap CSS and implementing it into our task list based on the one provided by the Laravel team. Bootstrap CSS is one of the frameworks that make the development work much easier and faster. It also beautifies the visual aspect of your project. In addition, you can use and apply it by downloading or linking it. You can link to Bootstrap CSS using the link below:

- <link href="/asset/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Through that, I learned how to simply apply it to my project. I learn how to add colors, change their position and shape, and even change their sizes. The implementation of Bootstrap CSS is not as easy as it looks. It requires observation, understanding, and more practice to make it perfect without any guide to see. Those are the learnings I have gained after a day at the company.

Day II : Window Setup and Git rm Command


  • Understanding the Git rm Command and its Application
  • Setting up Windows

Due to some transportation issues, we are doing our internship at home. This time, we are using our personal laptops. Adjustments were there, and setting up my local machine is one of the things that I must take into account before starting the ticket for that day. Based on my experience, setting up in Windows is slower and partly more complicated than doing it in macOS. That brings me to my realization about how good macOS could be in the field of development.

After several hours of setting up my local machine, I started making my ticket for that day. Git rm is a git command used to properly delete a file from your project. By utilizing it, you can completely delete a file that is not essential to your project. In order to make it, you can follow the steps provided below:

  1. Open your terminal (macOS) using the spotlight or the command prompt (Windows).
  2. Navigate and go inside the folder where the file that you want to delete is located.
  3. Once you are inside the folder, you can perform the commands below:
    • git rm
  4. After doing it, congratulations! You have fully deleted the file that you want to delete.

Utilizing a terminal for things like creating, removing, and modifying has always been a good practice in the development field. It let you track and gave you an idea of what you were doing. In addition, utilizing the git rm command to delete a specific file is much more trusted than doing it manually inside a folder. Those are the lessons I have learned after one day of my internship.

Day III : Authentication and Authorization


  • Understanding the Concept of Middleware
  • Understanding the Concept of Authentication and its Implementation
  • Understanding the Concept of Authorization and its Implementation

On the third day of my internship at the company, we started the day by understanding the concept of middleware. Based on what I have understood after reading, middleware is a software component that holds authentication and authorization. This is where you can see if the user is authorized and authenticated to perform a selected action. It is also where you can check if the user has permission to perform the selected action that they want to do. To automatically create a file for authentication using the PHP artisan command, you can follow the command below:

  • php artisan make:auth

Based on my experience, the command above can’t be executed in Laravel 9. But you can still perform it in different ways. You can follow the commands below:

  • composer require laravel/ui
  • php artisan ui bootstrap (for bootstrap)
  • php artisan ui bootstrap —auth
  • nom install && nom run dev
  • php artisan migrate

The commands above can also be done in any other way. You can also make it on your own. Authentication and authorization always go together. That is where you can assure yourself that the user is verified and permitted to do the action. Those are the learnings that I have gained after a day at the company.

Day IV : Git revert Command


  • Understanding the concept of the git revert command

The concept of git revert is usually used when updating or creating a new commit without the presence of the selected commit that you want to revert. On the last day of my internship at the company, we focused on understanding the concept of the git revert command and its usage. The ticket for that day is to revert the previously reviewed commit and apply the requested changes. It is kind of frustrating because we cannot achieve the other condition after applying the command. We still tried our best to find other ways to finish the ticket, but still, we barely made it on time. After that day, we have not finished the ticket, but I learned that we must always verify the ticket before doing it. Once we can sense something wrong with the instructions, always verify and ask for clarification, but you must do it properly. Those are the learnings I have gained after a day at the company.


Throughout the week, I have learned the concept of more git commands, such as git rm for removing and git revert for reverting the previous commits. I have also learned about the concepts of authentication and authorization. In addition, I also learned that utilizing Bootstrap CSS can make things organized, clean, and easier. Also, verifying is very important, especially when you are not sure of what you have understood after reading the instruction. Those are the learnings that I gained after a week at the company.


Jeffrey Francisco
Jeffrey Francisco
Jeffrey E. Francisco, a 22-year-old student at Cebu Technological University Danao Campus, has a passion for innovation and technology, particularly web development, which he finds both challenging and fascinating.