Reflection on the First Week of Internship

 ·  2 min read

We, computer engineers, arrived at the company. I was nervous about the fact that all of the people working here are high-leveled and what everyone would expect of us interns is that we are already highly skilled. Although this is an internship, I will try to manage and hone my skills.

On the first day of our internship, our mentor introduced us to new sets of devices to us like the MacBook which we are not accustomed to. Our mentor gave us lots of tips on how to accelerate and improve at a fast rate.

Second day in the company and I got to learn to use the terminal, which is an application that lets you input codes. At first, it seems familiar because in Windows this is more like the command prompt, but in MacOS.

On the third day, we were tasked to read multiple articles on how to improve our skills, like how to communicate effectively, debug appropriately, and read the cathedral and the bazaar. I have learned a lot just by reading the articles that are handed to us. Step by step, I was getting the hang of things.

By the fourth day, I was so confident in my skills now but I still stumbled upon one activity that our mentor gave us, which is creating a Semantic HTML. At first, I do not know what Semantic HTML is because we weren’t introduced to it in the past years of schooling at the college university. I guess, it is still wrong to say because what also our mentor said is that we must not wait to get or acquire knowledge but do it on our own. It greatly impacted me considering I am that type of person. Out of all of those, our mentor is so willing to help us, and I won’t disappoint him.

Overall, being able to study in the first week of this company made me even more ready to undertake and improve myself further. There may be no easy times, but consistency can eventually make me a competent coder.


Gerand Parawan
Gerand Parawan
Gerand C. Parawan is a computer engineering student at CTU - Danao Campus who enjoys making jokes and talking with people. He has been interested in technology and computers since he was young.