What is Web Application Development to a Newbie Intern

 ·  3 min read

Web Application Development may sound scary, but overall once you get to the bottom of it, you won’t be afraid anymore. Let us dive into this from my point of view.

Web Application Development

Web Application Development is like making or assembling computer parts, this goes here, that goes there, what the relationship between these two are, and what will the outcome of this be? It is similar to that because Web Application Development is developing websites that are easy to use and manage, while also building codes for it behind the scenes. Additionally, it just not creates plain websites, but also software applications that are used for making tasks, and serve as platforms for gaming, e-commerce, and so much more.


Yes, there are challenges that I have met, but with each obstacle that I have gone through, I slowly become able to improve myself more, slowly and surely. At one time, I was not knowledgeable enough about this thing, it got me frustrated that I was not performing well on my task. Also, with numerous syntaxes, commands, and keywords, they left me confused about when to use these, where to put these, and how to use these. However, with the guidance of our mentor, I was able to quickly get a grasp on things and eventually made progress.


In the past, I managed to create just simple websites, yes, “simple” websites. It is bland and not quite pleasing to many as far as I can tell. From the perspective of experts, they can say that the web I have generated is somewhat subpar. So, for me, I can’t quite yet make a functional and clean website in the past. I can tell that the web I have made before and during the internship is super different.

During the internship, I have garnered many skills in Web Application Development, including:

  • Git itself, which helped me navigate through my projects just by using commands on the terminal,
  • the use of ports,
  • the docker,
  • the PHP language,
  • database,
  • Laravel, and so much more.

In the span of just 1 month of my internship, I was introduced to these tools and it helped me develop my skills in software development, even though my course is not so related to this. Also, I am slowly adapting to the environment I am in and was also able to cultivate work habits. For now, I can say that I am getting there, and I am setting a goal for myself to create a website that is appealing to many and functional during the entire internship duration. With more time being poured to practice and study, I can say that I could create one.


Gerand Parawan
Gerand Parawan
Gerand C. Parawan is a computer engineering student at CTU - Danao Campus who enjoys making jokes and talking with people. He has been interested in technology and computers since he was young.