What I learned About Web Application Development

 ·  2 min read

I have acquired and improved a lot of skills as an intern in the company. Skills that is necesarry to be a good software engineer.

Web Application Development

Web development is a challenging task that requires many complex skills to be honed perfectly in order to successfully develop a website. The utilization of both hard and soft skills is vital to web development. Without this skill set, being a web developer is deemed to fail, since technology advances each day and some advanced AI can do the job for other people. This also means that junior developers might disappear someday.

Before the internship, the knowledge I had about web development was small and premature, and all I could write was basic CSS and HTML. Although I watched tutorials and studied notes, I still found it hard since my pattern recognition skill was not yet developed, and I did not understand what they were talking about. But this soon changed as our internship started.

During the internship, I learned a lot, not just coding skills but also proper mindset and ethics. My pattern recognition skill has greatly improved compared to before I started the internship. Before, if an error appeared, I would just remove it and forget about it. Now, I have learned to read and analyze the error. Although admittedly, the pattern recognition skill that I learned in the company is not yet advanced, it is improving day by day.

Currently, in the internship, I can write web applications with the help of Laravel, a very handy framework that makes web development easier than normal. The lessons and skills that I learned throughout the internship are valuable aspects for my goal of becoming a software engineer. I can say that now I am better equipped for web development compared to before the internship.


Vince Q. Caballero
Vince Q. Caballero
A technology enthusiast who enjoys good food, video games, and movies/anime.