My Internship's First Week of Learning

 ·  3 min read

Getting chosen as an intern at the company was an oppurtunity I was lucky to have, and I was nervous to see how my first week of internship would turn out.

The First Day

My internship started off well, and I learned some valuable lessons about not being afraid to attempt new things in web development. The industry is always evolving; therefore, I should continue to study. During my first day, we were given a tour of the facilities and given resources like a laptop, an IT setup, creating an account, and installing some software that would be needed. Overall, it was great and enjoyable.

The Second and Third Days

On the second day of my internship, we are given the task of doing some articles, and I have so many learnings that I should avoid how to deal with buzzwords. It’s challenging for me on this second day..


  • How to ask Questions the Smart way - I learned that asking some questions in a forum should have appropriate guidelines and structure, or implicitly, all the details before I post.
  • The Cathedral and Bazaar - I learned that the cathedral and bazaar have different styles.
  • How to Report Bugs Effectively - I learned that I should summarize the problem in a minimum of words in a smart way with specificity and to the point.
  • Effective Communication - I learned a lot about how to speak politely and appropriately and to always be prepared. I will remember to avoid some assumptions and interrupt some conversations.

All the articles that I’ve cited provide me with great information on how to conduct myself professionally and how to deal with and face consequences in the future.

Fourth Day

We were tasked with familiarizing ourselves with Git and GitHub and reading about semantic HTML, and I learned Git is a versioning tool that will allow performing operations to fetch data from the central server, and GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control collaboration. Semantic HTML is an HTML file that is structured for webpage creation.

Finally, I was excited to learn more because I had already gathered up a lot of knowledge and insight from my first day to my fourth.


Julie Beñola
Julie Beñola
A friend, pet lover, and a young woman with big dreams and enthuastic about technology and believes in it's power to improve employment and enhance life. Hoping to explore new software knowledge, improve her programming skills, and make a positive impact in the world.