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What is Seeding

Web application frameworks is “a software framework that is meant to assist the creation of web applications including web services, web resources, and web APIs.” In layman’s terms, web frameworks...

What is Migrations

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework built to develop web applications that aim to make the development process easier for developers. It takes care of common services in a project...

What is a Dynamic Site & a Static Site

The continual growth of web development. Web development began with the creation of the World Wide Web in March 1989. The small beginning of web development started as a hypertext...

Pros & Cons of Dynamic and Static Site

Websites can be classified as either static or dynamic. Static websites, which are often made entirely of HTML, are fixed and show the same content to every user. A dynamic...

What is a Pull Request, the Process, and Why

The use of pull request has been a standard in software development. Its biggest benefit is that it presents an opportunity for a code review which is a crucial process...

How to Use GIT and GitHub PR via CLI

The world of software development is fascinating. Developing a product consist of three main choices, which are cheap, fast, and quality. Choosing your best categories can help your team in...