My Internship's Third Week of Learning

 ·  3 min read

During the third week of my internship with the company, I gained a better understanding of the concept Laravel including its definition, structure, and conventions. This week is primarily dedicated to practicing the Laravel.

The Ninth and Tenth Days

We were given the task of setting up a Laravel Docker, accessing the Laravel Docker, implementing the basic task list tutorial, and knowing the Laravel conventions, like patterns. I have gained some understanding of how to do Laravel using Visual Studio code and Docker.

List of Naming Laravel Conventions

  • Controller Naming Convention - I learned that in naming controllers, always capitalize the first letter of the word and written in singular form, there should be no spaces between the words, and it should always end with the word “Controller”. For example, TaskController
  • Model Naming Convention - I learned that in naming Models always capitalize the first letter of each word. For example, Task.
  • Variables - I learned that in naming Variables always begin with a lowercase letter to the first word and the first letter of the second word is capitalized. For example, firstName.
  • Blade View File Naming Convention - I learned that in naming Blade view files always use lowercase letters and use the “.blade.php” file extension for Blade templates. For example, index.blade.php.

The Eleventh and Twelfth Days

These days, I gained knowledge of the Laravel conventions, patterns, and migration so that it should be in the correct directory to migrate after modifying some files and not saved manually but rather migrated. By creating a simple task list that allows you to manually enter tasks using the add and remove functions while also displaying the tasks.

Finally, I gained knowledge about how to install Laravel Sail, access Laravel Docker, build a composer first project, use composer to implement the basic task lesson, understand certain conventions, and check the status of migrations. I’ll do my best to practice Laravel more after I obtain some knowledge so that I may learn how to make it. I’ll encounter certain problems, and if I can’t fix it, I start over from scratch to help me remember the procedure. and  I’m greatly grateful of our mentor’s assistance in mentoring me and my fellow interns and for consistently encouraging us to adopt a more positive outlook.


Julie Beñola
Julie Beñola
A friend, pet lover, and a young woman with big dreams and enthuastic about technology and believes in it's power to improve employment and enhance life. Hoping to explore new software knowledge, improve her programming skills, and make a positive impact in the world.