Style and Formatting


According to your IDE, select a xml file from Formatter List.

As for each features provided by xml files, refer to Formatter Feature List.

IDE Formatter
IntelliJ IntelliJ_Form_Scheme.xml
Eclipse CodeiFormatter_v2.xml

Import Rules

To improve readability of code, here defines rules about importing libraries. Avoid using wildcards (e.g. java.util.*). It makes it hard to find out which package a class belongs to (especially when you don’t have help of IDE).


Write import statements in specific order to facilitate finding one in many import statements.

Order from top: import static, java, javax, org (commons), com, 3rd party libs, then FS packages.

Static Code Analysis

Static code analysis tools can be used to detect and address bugs and security vulnerabilities in source code at an early stage of a project.

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